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In January The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Women by Glynnis MacNicol and Rachel Sklar was published as a Kindle Serial, a new format of one episode at a time. Having the chapters arrive, episode by episode, made each fascinating woman’s story seem special and allowed time for trying the habit on for size,

SO . . .

I am creating a “Blog Serial”, The Tapping Factor, which will be published in episodes as I uncover the ways in which Tapping (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques) empowers me in ‘creating a world where people move freely to what they want.’

Chapter 1: Reweaving Threads from the Past



Tapping came into my life at a stressful time of divorce, two teenage daughters, and moving to another state for work. It was very useful but as things calmed down, it went to the back burner of my tool kit for change work.

What turned it up to high was The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living by Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman, M.D. This followed the very successful The Tapping Solution, a 2008 film by Nick Ortner, Jack Canfield, and Nick Polizzi which followed ten people in deep emotional and physical pain as they spent four days together with experts in EFT and finding incredible healing.

I have been using tools from the book and tap alongs with the movie to make profound changes in my own life, releasing weight and maintaining that for a year. In using the EFT tools with those interested in moving forward toward what they want freely, I have been having such powerful results that I am beginning my journey toward certification as an EFT Practitioner.

Please ‘stay tuned’ for the next episode . . .

QUESTION: What is something you want? What might be keeping you from moving freely to it?