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A chance encounter at Trader Joe’s by the avocados, a recommendation for a well-known blogger scrawled hurriedly led to finding a book by Tom Kelley rather than Tim Kelly. The book is designed to provide a YES to “Am I creative?” if you will work in small pieces and big ideas.

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As you read Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelley, bestselling author of The Art of Innovation, and David Kelley, Founder of IDEO & Stanford d.school, you will discover multiple ways to introduce creativity into your life. your career, and organizations in your life.

In the field of education, consider Sir Ken Robinson who in 2006 asked “Do Schools Kill Creatity?” in the most popular TED Talk in history. In business creativity manifests as innovation where tech stars such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter unleashed their employees’ creativity to impact the lives of billions of people.

Here are the chapter headings to give you an overview of the path to “creative confidence:”

  • Flip: From Design Thinking to Creative Confidence
  • Dare: From Fear to Courage
  • Spark: From Blank Page to Insight
  • Leap: From Planning to Action
  • Seek: From Duty to Passion
  • Team: Creatively Confident Groups
  • Move: Creative Confidence to Go
  • Next: Embrace Creative Confidence

QUESTION:  What excites you about coming up with creative solutions?