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Are you curious about the next steps in your career?

Welcome to a series of career ideas, with tips, tools, and resources for you to use in enhancing and advancing that career.

As a career coach who has worked with regular employees for a Fortune 100 Company in managing their careers within the company for the past twelve years, I have developed and collected a lot of ideas that I would like to share with you on this blog.

Let’s start with a critical skill – asking questions.

One of my favorite books is Leading with Questions: How Leaders Find the Right Solutions By Knowing What To Ask (Hardcover)
by Michael J. Marquardt – an internationally acclaimed management consultant who “shows how you can learn to ask the powerful questions that will generate short-term results and long-term learning and success.” What have 22 successful leaders achieved by knowing what to ask?

What happens when we let go ‘knowing all the answers’ and move to creating a space for asking the questions that get to the bottom of issues, that give others a chance to shine while making us look good?

Though I have focused on asking questions since reading this book two years ago, I still find myself stopping in mid-stream ‘telling mode,’ pausing, and then switching to a question. The richness of my clients’ responses and career growth has been phenomenal.

Want to see how it works? The next time you have a situation to resolve, try asking three questions before making any statements. Please let us know how it works . . .